
Ziqing Meng

(aka Tom)

A comprehensive software application designer with special attentions on application productivity and user experience.

Currently live and work in Los Angeles as System Analysis/System Designer. Mainly in charge of designing and maintaining of Internal Company software and website.

Had bachelor degree of Multimedia Design in UK and master degree of  Interactive Design in USA.

Co-founder of a company (dissolved) in China for developing a web base application as product manager and designer before pursuing my Master degree.

All in all, with his comprehensive knowledge structure, he can be a sophisticated product designer and problem solver.




Comprehensive Knowledge

Business Sensitivity

Aesthetic Taste

Eager for Learning


Problem Solving Skill

Keen Insight

Clear Thinking

Passionate of Life


               Designer                            Planner

Contact Me




Email 1: inuyashark@gmail.com

Email 2: inuyashark@hotmail.com